Plant Handbook Online

Welcome at the largest and best plant handbook online. You’ll find information on medicinal, magical and edible trees, shrubs and herbs.

paardenbloem taraxacum officinale

What you’ll find in the online plant handbook

Medicinal properties

You’ll find extensive information on the medicinal properties or healing effects of many, many trees, shrubs and herbs.

Magical properties

In the monographs you’ll also see information on the magical use of and folklore on all these plants.


Loads of plants growing around us are edible. Read what and how you can you eat straight from nature.

Information on usage

You won’t just get ot know what you do against all kinds of afflictions by means of plants. This plantvademecum offers recipes of herbals and instruction blogs on how to make them.

The best plant handbook...

In the online plant handbook you’ll find the largest and best collection of plant monographs on the internet. Below you can see a small selection of plants, whose monograph can be studied in the Hagetisse’s plantvademecum. Go to the plant index to see them all.

“The plant handbook brings the power of nature to everybody”

Hagetisse wise woman Emma, creator of the plant handbook

About me

I’m Emma and I’m a hagetisse. That’s an oldfashioned Dutch word for wise woman or herbwife. This last word is closely connected to one of my passions: creating an extensive plant handbook. In it you’ll find an enormous amount of herbal information. Thus I hope to bring old knowledge back into people’s lives.

How the plant handbook works


Visit website

Check out the website and the treasure trove of information on trees, shrubs and herbs you’ll find there.


Read manual

See what’s behind the login and learn about the advantages of membership in the manual.


Become a member

You can choose for free or paid membership. Just follow the instructions and get to see more.


Surf away

Now log onto the website and surf til you drop. Read and learn about plants and how you can use them.

Informative and instructional articles

Apart from the monographs, you’ll find plenty of informative articles on the website. Think of instructions on how to make certain herbals or health blogs.  Below you’ll find a small selection…

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